Pre orders now available and a new character approaches the castle


We’ve had a lot of people contacting us about how they can go about getting a copy of Damnation: The Gothic Game having missed the Kickstarter. Well I’m delighted to say that the pre order for Damnation the Gothic Game is now open! Your orders will be processed at the same time as the others from the Kickstarter campaign and we remain on course for shipping in August.

If you missed out on the campaign, or you'd like to purchase any additional items head on over to Backerkit to secure your copy of Damnation the Gothic Game.


A new villain approaches the castle

Introducing The Occultist

As part of our campaign, we ran a survey to add a new character to the game chosen by the community. The winning character was The Occultist. As you can see, the illustration has already been completed by our wonderful artist, Hue Teo.

The big thing I really wanted to convey with this character is that it could be anyone behind the mask. Who they are, their backstory is really up to you with this one. We've started playtesting the character and I'll provide some more insight into their talents once we've spent a little more time developing them, but suffice to say I think they're going to make for a really interesting addition to our cast of villains!


We’ll have lots more news to share in the coming weeks, including information on the bust, the novel, and the soundtrack. So watch this space!


Vampire Bust Painting Competition


Now Closed: We're Hiring - Lead Playtester